Anda sudah memilih klinik infertilitas yang baik dan telah melakukan analisis sperma. Kini tiba saatnya membaca hasil analisis sperma tersebut untuk mengetahui apakah anda subur atau tidak.
Setelah Anda atau suami anda menyerahkan sperma untuk uji kesuburan,
pihak klinik fertilitas, baik dokter maupun analisnya akan melakukan
analisis sesuai dengan prosedur yang berlaku.
Ketelitian dan keterampilan pihak pemeriksa sangatlah penting,
demilkian pula interpretasi atas hasil apapun yang didapat dari analisis
Oleh karena itu, sekali lagi, sangatlah penting bagi Anda untuk
memilih klinik kesuburan yang terpercaya dalam kemampuan dan
Saat ini, WHO sebagai badan kesehatan dunia telah menetapkan nilai
yang dianjurkan sebagai hasil pemeriksaan sperma. Untuk pengetahuan
Anda, standar yang telah ditetapkan WHO adalah:
- Volume : 2 ml atau lebih
- pH : 7,2 sampai dengan 8,0
- Konsentrasi spermatozoa: 20 juta spermatozoa / ml atau lebih
- Jumlah total spermatozoa : 40 juta spermatozoa per ejakulasi atau lebih
- Motilitas spermatozoa : Dalam waktu 1 jam setelah ejakulasi, sebanyak 50% dari jumlah total spermatozoa yang hidup, masih bergerak secara aktif.
- Morfologi permatozoa : 30% atau lebih memiliki bentuk yang normal
- Vitalitas spermatozoa : 75% atau lebih dalam keadaan hidup=
- Jumlah sel darah putih : lebih sedikit dari 1 juta sel/ml
Dari standar yang telah disebutkan tersebut, dokter akan membuat
suatu simpulan yang akan diterima oleh Anda sebagai hasil analisis
sperma. Adapun macam dan definisi dari kesimpulan tersebut adalah:
- Normozoospermia: Karakteristik normal yang dapat dilihat pada tabel.
- Oligozoospermia: Konsentrasi spermatozoa kurang dari 20 juta per ml.
- Asthenozoospermia: Jumlah sperma yang masih hidup dan bergerak secara aktif, dalam waktu 1 jam setelah ejakulasi, urang dari 50%.
- Teratozoospermia: Jumlah sperma dengan morfologi normal kurang dari 30%.
- Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia: Kelainan campuran dari 3 variabel yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya.
- Azoospermia: Tidak adanya spermatozoa dalam sperma
- Aspermia: Sama sekali tidak terjadi ejakulasi sperma
Dari interpretasi inilah, awal masalah ketidaksuburan sebuah pasangan
dapat terungkap. Dengan demikian, dokter dan timnya akan dapat membuat
suatu rencana pengobatan untuk menjadi solusi ketidaksuburan seorang
Apabila hasil analisis sperma menyatakan nilai normal, kemungkinan
besar penyebab ketidaksuburan terdapat pada sang wanita. Oleh karena
itu, analisis kesuburan wanita dapat dijalankan sebagai langkah lanjut.
You've chosen a good infertility clinics and sperm analysis has been done. Now it's time to read the results of semen analysis to see if you are fertile or not.
Once you or your husband submit to test fertility sperm, the fertility clinic, both doctors and analysts will conduct analyzes in accordance with applicable procedures.
Precision and skill the examiner is very important, also demilkian interpretation of any results obtained from the analysis.
Therefore, once again, it's important for you to choose a reliable fertility clinic in the ability and professionalism.
Currently, the WHO as the World Health Organization has set the recommended values as a result of sperm. To your knowledge, WHO established standards are:
Volume: 2 ml or more
pH: 7.2 to 8.0
Spermatozoa concentration: 20 million spermatozoa / ml or more
The total number of spermatozoa: 40 million spermatozoa per ejaculate or more
Motility of spermatozoa: Within 1 hour after ejaculation, as much as 50% of the total number of spermatozoa are alive, still moving actively.
Permatozoa morphology: 30% or more have a normal form
Vitality of spermatozoa: 75% or more in a state of life =
The number of white blood cells: fewer than 1 million cells / ml
Of standards that have been mentioned, the doctor will make a conclusion that will be accepted by you as a result of sperm analysis. The range and definition of these conclusions are:
Normozoospermia: normal characteristics that can be seen in the table.
Oligozoospermia: concentration of less than 20 million spermatozoa per ml.
Asthenozoospermia: The number of sperm that are still alive and moving actively, within 1 hour after ejaculation, urang of 50%.
Teratozoospermia: The number of sperm with normal morphology less than 30%.
Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia: Abnormalities of the mixture of the three variables mentioned earlier.
Azoospermia: The absence of spermatozoa in the sperm
Aspermia: Absolutely not ejaculation of sperm
From this interpretation, the initial problem of infertility a couple can be revealed. Thus, the doctor and his team will be able to make a treatment plan to be a male infertility solutions.
If the result of normal sperm analysis stated value, there most likely cause of infertility in the female. Therefore, the analysis of female fertility can be run as a step further.
Once you or your husband submit to test fertility sperm, the fertility clinic, both doctors and analysts will conduct analyzes in accordance with applicable procedures.
Precision and skill the examiner is very important, also demilkian interpretation of any results obtained from the analysis.
Therefore, once again, it's important for you to choose a reliable fertility clinic in the ability and professionalism.
Currently, the WHO as the World Health Organization has set the recommended values as a result of sperm. To your knowledge, WHO established standards are:
Volume: 2 ml or more
pH: 7.2 to 8.0
Spermatozoa concentration: 20 million spermatozoa / ml or more
The total number of spermatozoa: 40 million spermatozoa per ejaculate or more
Motility of spermatozoa: Within 1 hour after ejaculation, as much as 50% of the total number of spermatozoa are alive, still moving actively.
Permatozoa morphology: 30% or more have a normal form
Vitality of spermatozoa: 75% or more in a state of life =
The number of white blood cells: fewer than 1 million cells / ml
Of standards that have been mentioned, the doctor will make a conclusion that will be accepted by you as a result of sperm analysis. The range and definition of these conclusions are:
Normozoospermia: normal characteristics that can be seen in the table.
Oligozoospermia: concentration of less than 20 million spermatozoa per ml.
Asthenozoospermia: The number of sperm that are still alive and moving actively, within 1 hour after ejaculation, urang of 50%.
Teratozoospermia: The number of sperm with normal morphology less than 30%.
Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia: Abnormalities of the mixture of the three variables mentioned earlier.
Azoospermia: The absence of spermatozoa in the sperm
Aspermia: Absolutely not ejaculation of sperm
From this interpretation, the initial problem of infertility a couple can be revealed. Thus, the doctor and his team will be able to make a treatment plan to be a male infertility solutions.
If the result of normal sperm analysis stated value, there most likely cause of infertility in the female. Therefore, the analysis of female fertility can be run as a step further.
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